Sunday, December 27, 2015

Forecast for Hope

Blizzards, fires, floods, tornadoes -- disaster forecasts are looking mighty grim on the weather channel today. A terror-alert has just been announced for major cities in Europe between Christmas and the New Year. Life on this planet seems more fragile than ever.

Many have lost loved ones this year and no doubt that paints their emotions as this year comes to a close. If the LORD tarries - there is still the consolation that 100 years from now all of us will have departed from this life. 

It is hard to fathom how people can walk around thinking that there is no God and no life after death. How depressing is that? That's even sadder than the Christians who do not believe that Jesus is coming back to rule and reign on earth for a thousand years. Those Christians must despair as well as they watch the birth pangs increase and see no purpose to it.

What a disappointment life must be for Christians who think that we are now ruling and reigning in the place of Christ. It is hard to believe there are such believers -- but Post-Millennialists/Preterists have such a defeated worldview. 

And the signs and wonders followers -- how do they feel when the feathers stop falling and the gold glitter fades away? Where can they go to find the next spiritual high? From Toronto to Lakeland to Redding -- all of that is empty thrills and chills.

But we who wait for our Savior to come for us His church have the comfort of knowing His Word is being fulfilled before our very eyes. We have a Lifeline to hold onto while we wait and a Hope for rescue before God pours out His wrath upon those dwelling carelessly on the planet. His supernatural power makes the weak one strong.

We must keep lifting up Jesus to this hurting world and pull as many as we can from the fire. Time is short and the window of opportunity to turn to the LORD is closing.

I showed the film, The Nativity, to the women in the prison on Christmas and had the opportunity to share the Gospel with inmates I had not seen before. I told them that we might envy those who lived when Jesus came who got to see with their own eyes His miracles and touch the hem of His garment. There were those who looked for the coming of the Messiah 2,000 years ago, but we are living in the time that will most likely see His second coming. 

Monitoring the birth pangs, as we do in this class, we can anticipate His return and bring joy to a place that seems joyless. Please pray for Sunny, Starla, and Cindy -- that the LORD would give them good soil where the seed planted can grow.

Spread the hope, joy, and good news while there's still time.

“Now is the judgment of this world; now the ruler of this world will be cast out. And I, if I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all peoples to Myself.” -- John 12:31-32

"Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us, that we should be called children of God! Therefore the world does not know us, because it did not know Him. Beloved, now we are children of God; and it has not yet been revealed what we shall be, but we know that when He is revealed, we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is. And everyone who has this hope in Him purifies himself, just as He is pure." - 1 John 3:1-3

Sunday, December 13, 2015

"It Is Written . . . "

This is certainly a time of famine for the hearing of the Word of God. Even in places where Scripture is being quoted, it is not being applied with spiritual understanding, but with mere human reasoning. Some preachers might get further in using quotes from Dickens or Aesop's Fables to make their sermon points.

Having been raised Catholic and hearing a bit of an Epistle or the Gospels read briefly at Mass every Sunday, I knew first-hand what it was like to hear God's Word while not really hearing it. The bulk of Catholic practice and theology is based upon human reasoning.
The idea of Limbo, for instance, was conceived when their belief that one must be baptized in order to get into heaven clashed with their idea that babies are pure but have Original Sin. The Bible never taught any such thing, but Limbo sounded sensible to them and resolved the conflict.

The Catholic dogmas of their priesthood, transubstantiation, baptizing babies, confession, penance, the papacy, mariology -- and more -- came about with unspiritual human reasoning.

Before I was born-again, I could read the Bible and appreciate its wisdom and ponder on its deep thoughts, but the words did not penetrate my unregenerate spirit. Immediately upon my repentance and being filled with His Holy Spirit, the Bible came alive to me. The blinders had been removed. For the first few months of my new life in Christ I could not read the Word without tears welling up in my eyes. The Spirit breathed life into every passage and gave deep understanding -- even from the same passages I thought I already knew.

I'm studying the Book of Nehemiah and read about how the people responded after Jerusalem was restored and the people gathered to rededicate themselves to the LORD. When Ezra the priest read Scriptures aloud, they reacted thusly, "For all the people wept, when they heard the words of the Law."

Today, I see many using their own human understanding to figure out the Bible. High Church goers justify the use of vestments and ritual since, after all, these things were done historically in the past 1,800 years and there are parallels in the Old Testament. Or, die-hard post-tribbers saying, 'well, the early martyrs suffered persecution so why should we not suffer under the antichrist, we're no better than them. Or Dominionists reasoning that believers are going to rule with Christ, so we need to take all seven mountains for Jesus now since He does rule from heaven.

We will see more and more human reasoning coming from professing believers who will find ways to get along with other religions under the human desire for tolerance, peace, and emotional stimulation. 

Our reaction must always be - "it is written . . ."

"Trust in the LORD with all your heart,
And lean not on your own understanding;
In all your ways acknowledge Him,
And He shall direct your paths."
- Prov 3:5-6

"Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, that we might know the things that have been freely given to us by God. These things we also speak, not in words which man’s wisdom teaches but which the Holy Spirit teaches, comparing spiritual things with spiritual. But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned." - 1 Cor 2:12-14

Rapture Wars

The Post-Trib Brigade is really on the rampage lately. And the Pre-Trib side is digging in their heels. All accuse the other of not having Scripture to back their views. The Pan-Trib view is looking at all the verses and determine that we cannot know the exact timing - we must be ready for every eventuality.

This snippet from Jim Bakker's program is a peek at those who have run to the mountains to hide themselves. They are accumulating stuff and everyone knows it, so when all hell breaks loose, the bad guys will know right where to go. Is Bakker building an arsenal needed to protect what they have stored? Quite the dilemma trusting in the arm of the flesh.

Here are some verses all must rectify - praying for spiritual understanding.

Fear side (Post-and Intraseal Tribbers) -

"Behold, I tell you a mystery: We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed—in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet." - 1 Cor 15:51-52b

"Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day will not come unless the falling away comes first, and the man of sin is revealed" - 2 Thes 2:3

"But the rest of the dead did not live again until the thousand years were finished. This is the first resurrection." - Rev 20:5 (also used by A-and-Post-mills )

Hope side (Pre-and Pan-Tribbers)

“Because you have kept My command to persevere, I also will keep you from the hour of trial which shall come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth." - Rev 3:10

"Come, my people, enter your chambers,
And shut your doors behind you;
Hide yourself, as it were, for a little moment,
Until the indignation is past.
For behold, the LORD comes out of His place
To punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity;
The earth will also disclose her blood,
And will no more cover her slain.
Is 26:20-21

"For God has not destined us for wrath" - 1 Thes 5:9a

" I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it." - Matt 16:18b


I point this all out - not to cause more of a rift between believers -- but to exhort all of you to please stop fighting over this. I know how to argue every position - I've studied this for over 30 years -- so I know every position has some good arguments from Scripture. This guy here is trashing those who take a different position. I know of NO Pre-tribber who thinks they will never see persecution or war and all the birth pangs Jesus lists in Matt 24. We should ALL make provisions for our family in the case of any potential hardship. This sort of rhetoric -- demonizing those under the Hope banner -- does nothing to communicate his position - since it is a false accusation.

Keep your lamps burning - and oil in your flasks.

Mark 13: 33-37  -- "Take heed, watch and pray; for you do not know when the time is... Watch therefore, for you do not know when the master of the house is coming--in the evening (Pre-Trib), at midnight (Mid-Trib), at the crowing of the rooster (Pre-Wrath), or in the morning (Post-Trib)-- lest, coming suddenly, he find you sleeping. And what I say to you, I say to all: Watch!’"

Sunday, December 6, 2015

We Are His Witnesses

We are His witnesses until He calls His Bride home. That is a comforting thought at a time like this when we see the birth pangs transition into heavy labor.

The recent terror attacks here and in Paris have left many people not wanting to leave their homes to go to any public place. But we must not forget the Great Commission -- don't let any threat of terror slow down your witness -- in fact, it should light a fire under you to get this Word of Salvation out to all the lost while there's still time.

Since we ARE His witnesses, and we know God always has a witness on this planet, we can have confidence that God doesn't need to replace us in our role as His ambassadors. So what does He need with 144,000 or the two witnesses in Jerusalem or an angel flying in mid-heaven while we're still around? They are raised up as His witnesses when our testimony is complete.

That is one of the best arguments for a Pre-Trib rapture -- once the Church is gone, God must have a witness to the Truth here to represent Him. He is faithful to always hold out a hand of mercy to humanity who were made in His image.

Persecution of believers is a historical certainty, and as things heat up, more and more professing Christians will fall by the wayside and reveal their true natures. The time of the mega-church will soon be over as congregating will become a gamble for one's livelihood. Persecution always helps separate the real from the fake. So be encouraged.

Pressing on to the Goal -

“Thus says the LORD, the King of Israel,
And his Redeemer, the LORD of hosts:
‘I am the First and I am the Last;
Besides Me there is no God.
And who can proclaim as I do?
Then let him declare it and set it in order for Me,
Since I appointed the ancient people.
And the things that are coming and shall come,
Let them show these to them.
Do not fear, nor be afraid;
Have I not told you from that time, and declared it?
You are My witnesses.
Is there a God besides Me?
Indeed there is no other Rock;
I know not one.’ ”
-- Is 44:6-8

"At my first defense no one stood with me, but all forsook me. May it not be charged against them. But the Lord stood with me and strengthened me, so that the message might be preached fully through me, and that all the Gentiles might hear. Also I was delivered out of the mouth of the lion. And the Lord will deliver me from every evil work and preserve me for His heavenly kingdom. To Him be glory forever and ever. Amen!" - 2 Tim 4:16-18

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Planned Parenthood Shooter: Madman or Hero?

Planned Parenthood Shooter: Madman or Hero?

The recent shooting at a Planned Parenthood facility in Colorado Springs that left three people dead, including a pro-life police officer, stunned everyone – pro-choicers and pro-lifers alike. People from both sides of the political issue have labeled Robert Lewis Dear a madman or an insane maniac.  But is he really?

If his motive was to put a stop to the killing of unborn babies, as the media is suggesting since he allegedly proclaimed,  “no more baby parts” while being arrested, then is that not a heroic act?

If staff in a Daycare facility were hacking up toddlers, would we label anyone a “madman” for running in guns blazing to prevent another toddler from being slaughtered? Of course not! He would be a hero and be rewarded with some sort of medal of honor.

Liberals are saying the shooting was politically motivated, some blaming Republicans and conservatives. But it sounds more emotionally motivated. If a person truly believes that these dismembered fetal body parts we're all seeing photos of is of human babies - this would be a very normal response.

Thanks to social media, the secret slaughter of the innocents is coming out of the closet. Can a person with a conscience look upon bloody photos of baby parts – disembodied heads, legs, arms, torsos – and turn a blind eye to it?

The pro-life lobby rightfully argues that life begins at conception. And the pro-choice activists say that life begins at birth and as long as a fetus is killed while still in the womb, no harm done. Yet there are many reports of aborted babies coming out alive and being finished off by the attending staff.

So is it unreasonable for someone to take the defense of the unborn to its logical conclusion? Is murder going on in those buildings every day? Are the lives of unborn babies just as human as the lives of 3-year-old toddlers? Is it rational to defend the lives of innocent babies?

If the answer is ‘yes,’ then who’s crazy now? It is sheer hypocrisy to insist that unborn babies are just as human as you or I, if you are not willing to back that up with action.

The New Holocaust

The modern-day holocaust of babies in the womb can be compared to the attempted genocide of Jews and homosexuals under the Hitler regime. The government approval of the “final solution” was the law of the dictator. Therefore, German citizens looked the other way as smoke rose up from the concentration camps. When the American military liberated Auschwitz and saw the remains of the carnage, they forced the local Germans to see things up close -- they were considered accomplices to the crime since they knew what was happening and did nothing to stop it. Civilized humanity was appalled at the German people for their complacency.

Christians are responding in horror to attacks on abortion clinics. They are appalled that they would be blamed for such acts of violence. If it is blamed on "fundamentalists" does that mean true "fundamentalists" would not want to be judged capable of going to such an extreme to save defenseless children? Would it be a shame to "fundamentalist" Christians that one of their own would shoot up a gas chamber and kill executioners? Would these same Christians condemn the Corrie ten Booms for defying the law by helping potential victims escape certain death?

We are all hypocrites who say the lives of unborn babies are equal to the lives of toddlers. We must stop saying we believe that when we really don't. Because if we did, we would applaud all abortion clinic bombers. We have to be honest with ourselves - we do not believe our own rhetoric. I include myself since I could never take up arms against Planned Parenthood.

So lets get real. We either treat these babies as victims of a holocaust and respond as humans, or we stop claiming fetuses are just as human as children - or people of any age for that matter.

Abortion is truly the national sin of America. We are all guilty for saying one thing and doing another. We have not gone so far as to shed our own blood to save the lives of innocent babies  -- so their blood is on our collective hands. We cannot turn our noses down at the German citizens of the 1940s, while we are guilty of the same sin of omission. 

The prophet Daniel in his prayers confessed his own sin and the sin of his people Israel. Should we not be doing the same in our prayers and confess our own sin and the sin of America?

--A fellow coward and hypocrite

Monday, November 23, 2015

Scandals of Christendom

I'm still a bit stunned from seeing the film Spotlight last night. It is the story of how a band of reporters at the Boston Globe exposed the coverup of the pedophile priest scandal in the Catholic Church. A conspiracy of silence, from the hierarchy to the family of the child victims to even the press, had all kept a cover on it for decades to preserve the facade of holiness in a truly corrupt system.

Even though I have followed the events over the past fifteen years and am very familiar with it, seeing it acted out left me with anger and tears. I was raised in the Catholic Church, and though I never observed sexual abuse, I did see physical abuse toward children close up. The system was corrupt from the get-go.

When I got saved as an adult and attended Bible-teaching churches, I assumed there was safety from such predators there. The PTL scandal of the 80s busted that bubble. From then on, there was one after another -- the Paul Crouch homosexual pay-off scandal, the Ted Haggard gay sex and drugs scandal, the Bob Coy adultery/womanizing scandal, and a plethora of others - some highly visible, some lesser known.

The mystery of iniquity is hard at work. And prophetically it's only going to get worse. Bad behavior and bad doctrine go together.
Yet we all must keep a guard over our own hearts. The devil is ramping up his attack and knows our weaknesses. We need to be on the alert and not get drawn away from abiding in Christ when we are tempted. The battle against sin must continue to be a battle -- we must not give in. 

While signs and wonders followers are seeking metaphysical power, we must rely on the LORD for His power over our sins. Don't be fooled by those who say we can sin all the more that grace may abound. The enemy that stumbles us is sin in our own hearts. Confess those things to Jesus whenever they come up. None of us is immune to temptation. 

Pray for one another. We're not in this battle alone.

"If we say that we have fellowship with Him, and walk in darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth. But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin. If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."
- 1 John 1:6-9

“Wash yourselves, make yourselves clean;
Put away the evil of your doings from before My eyes.
Cease to do evil, Learn to do good;
Seek justice,
Rebuke the oppressor;'
Defend the fatherless,
Plead for the widow.
Come now, and let us reason together,'
Says the LORD,
'Though your sins are like scarlet,
They shall be as white as snow;
Though they are red like crimson,
They shall be as wool.'"
-- Is 1:16-18

Sunday, November 15, 2015

The King and Queen of the New Religious Order by Jackie Alnor

When the moon is in the seventh house
And Jupiter aligns with Mars
Then peace will guide the planets
And love will steer the stars

This is the dawning of the age of Aquarius
The age of Aquarius, Aquarius

Harmony and understanding
Sympathy and trust abounding
No more falsehoods or derisions
Golden living dreams of visions
Mystic crystal revelation
And the minds true liberation
From the 1960s musical production of “Hair”

When actress Shirley MacLaine wrote the book, Out on a Limb, and then turned it into a made-for-TV movie back in the 80s, much of the world thought she was out on a broken limb. She was the butt of jokes in Hollywood and fodder for late-night comedians such as David Letterman who made fun of her New Age beliefs. Who can forget the image of her standing on the beach repeating the mantra, “I am god”?

The world wasn’t quite ready for her yet. But now some three decades later, the stage has been set for a new television diva to fill MacLaine’s high-heel shoes and no one dare cross her. She did not make the claim to be god, but people insist she is a goddess. Billionaire Oprah Winfrey is a powerful force. Talk show hosts know it would be professional suicide to speak afoul of her. They don’t make jokes; they bow down before her.

Winfrey did not go away after she left her popular daytime TV program. She built the TV network OWN (Oprah Winfrey Network) after her magazine ‘O’ (named after herself) began showing up at grocery store counters with her picture gracing the cover of every issue. Her latest endeavor, in conjunction with the Discovery Channel, is her new TV series, BELIEF, for which she is promoting among the talk-show circuit. 

As many as 14,000 conference-goers at the recent gathering in Salt Lake City of the Parliament of the World’s Religions were treated to a preview of BELIEF. She was unable to attend, but via video message hyped her new show as a tool for promoting peace among all religious belief systems. Oprah’s two-page ad in the conference program promised, “Spiritual practices, traditions, and beliefs from around the world will be illuminated, followed by a discussion on how BELIEF could impact the world and help us move again from fear and divisiveness and more towards compassion and healing.”

On a recent appearance on CBS This Morning, Oprah shared a clip from BELIEF featuring a young lady going to India seeking enlightenment. The clip shows her asking a group of gurus questions. “I have a good life and a good job. But I still feel as if something is missing. How do you get such belief?” The guru responds, “It’s all given by the Goddess. When she enters your heart you will sense it. Until she dwells inside you, faith won’t come.” Oprah and the CBS hosts all reacted with a collective, “aaaaaw.”

Unlike her predecessor, Shirley MacLaine, Oprah is a bit more subtle, although both messages are the same – we are all gods and the Creator is a pantheistic impersonal force we are all a part of. A spark of the divine is in every person and we just need to come to a self-realization of how great we are.

Her message of unifying all faiths, no matter how contradictory they are, is the bedrock of New Age religion, even though in its current incarnation they prefer to call it by terms such as Spiritual Enlightenment, Unity in Diversity, One Humanity, among other euphemisms.

While Oprah was addressing the UN General Assembly, a petition to the UN for the establishment of a religious arm of their global organization was making the rounds at the Parliament, accumulating thousands of signatures.

Pope Francis’ Crusade

The UN has certainly turned its attention to religious concerns lately, so the petition has a good chance of becoming a reality. Oprah’s address to the UN was just a few weeks after Pope Francis spoke to the UN delegates in New York during his visit to America. His talking points on climate change, open borders, and income inequality from a religious point of view mimic the UN’s political aspirations for global control, such as ‘Agenda 21’ and the ‘2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.’ If they can unite the world’s religions, creating a global government will be a cinch. As the late prophet of the New Age prophesied in song, the world will then be as one. 

Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace...

Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world...

You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will live as one
--Imagine, by John Lennon

The Parliament gave everyone who registered a card with a photo of Pope Francis on one side and his interfaith prayer on the other side. It is called “A Prayer for Our Earth” and says in part, “

“All-powerful God, you are present in the whole universe
and in the smallest of your creatures…
Bring healing to our lives,
that we may protect the world and not prey on it,
that we may sow beauty, not pollution and destruction…
Teach us to discover the worth of each thing,
to be filled with awe and contemplation,
to recognize that we are profoundly united
with every creature
as we journey towards your infinite light.”

The Jesuit pope, who rose to the “Chair of Peter” after the unprecedented retirement of his predecessor, has dazzled secular media with his audacious acts of public humility. He is one of the few religious leaders that is loved by the world and Christendom alike.

Not only has Francis won the respect of CNN and MSNBC, he has wooed many Protestant pastors and church leaders. Ecumenism with other Christian denominations is on the top of the pope’s to-do list.

Last year, with the assistance of Episcopal pastor Tony Palmer, Francis addressed a gathering at televangelist Kenneth Copeland’s Charismatic Evangelical Leadership Conference.  A personal friend of the pope’s, Palmer taped the greeting on his smart phone’s video camera to the eager crowd right in the heart of the Bible Belt. Then he used the same smart phone to deliver Copeland’s groveling response to the pope.

As a follow-up, Palmer arranged for Copeland to visit the Vatican, along with a contingent of other charismatic leaders that included John Arnott, Pastor of Catch the Fire church that is infamous for their holy laughter services known as the “Toronto Blessing” and James Robison, host of Life Today, who said when he “looks into the eyes of Pope Francis, he sees Jesus.” A picture of Robison giving the pope a high-five showed up all over social media.

Soon after Palmer announced that the protest of Luther is over, he was mysteriously killed in a motorcycle accident.

Joel Osteen, pastor of the largest church in America, has also met with the pope at the Holy See, and “America’s pastor,” Rick Warren, was a speaker at the Vatican-hosted Humanum Colloquium in Rome in November, 2014. Warren has made appearances on EWTN, the Catholic television network, showing gratitude to his Catholic host for their monastic orders that taught him about contemplative prayer and the Chaplet of Divine Mercy, that includes the rosary, that Warren said he and his wife recite regularly.

The 700 Club’s Pat Robertson also caught papal-fever last year when he co-sponsored an ecumenical gathering at his Regent University in Virginia Beach, Virginia. He gave the opening remarks at this “Pastors, Leaders and Clergy Summit” that featured an equal amount of Protestant and Roman Catholic speakers. The theme was taken from the Gospel of John 17:21, the high priestly prayer of Jesus, when He prayed to the Father:

That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me.”

The speakers seemed to be in agreement that Evangelicals who would not acknowledge the pope as the rightful head of Christianity were in sin and needed to repent and return to Rome. James Robison headed up the roster of speakers, followed by Jack Hayford, Founder of King’s University, Vinson Synan, founder of the now defunct Congress on the Holy Spirit, and Tom Phillips, VP of the Billy Graham Association.

Vatican ecumenical talks with other arms of the church have gone into high gear under this pontificate with Eastern Orthodox, Lutheran, Anglican and other mainline Protestant denominations. Unity in diversity with the Vatican at the center is step one. Step two is interfaith relations when all religions will cooperate under the supremacy of Rome.

Forerunner to the Antichrist?

For Christians who study Bible prophecy, interfaith and ecumenism are ominous signs of the nearness of the coming time of Great Tribulation spelled out in the last book of the Bible. This seven-year period will be a time of judgment on the earth when the Antichrist will rise to power allied with a global church the Apostle John identifies as the Mother of Harlots.

It is interesting that the Roman Catholic Church calls herself the “Mother Church.” The question needs to be asked, if she is a “Mother” then who are the “Harlots” she gave birth to?

The Antichrist, Bible prophecy tells us, is one Beast but the other Beast is referred to as “The False Prophet.” The Antichrist tries to counterfeit the true Christ and the False Prophet emulates the forerunner of Jesus, John the Baptist who prepared the way for His arrival and baptized Him and instructed all to follow Him.

Since that is the case, if the prophetic times are just around the corner as so many Scriptural signs of the times indicate, then the forerunner’s work should be in evidence preparing people to accept the coming world leader. S/he would show up first just as John the Baptist did who came in the spirit and power of Elijah the Old Testament prophet.

The false ideas that were evident at the Parliament create a worldview custom-made for the forerunner of the Antichrist to use to condition humanity to accept the global leader and put their faith in his campaign promises of peace, love, understanding, harmony, justice, and the end of hunger and poverty.

If people can be convinced that all religions are equal, all people are brothers and sisters, the Earth is sacred, and inclusiveness of all and any beliefs is honorable, then when the man speaking those swelling words arrives, he will be embraced. The only obstacles are Bible-believing Christians and Islamic suicide bombers. Those obstacles to progress have to go.

New Age and occult practitioners have spent decades working to create the paradigm shift needed to usher in their own man-made millennium of peace. Failed efforts in the past included Hands Across America in 1986 when “6.5 million people held hands in a human chain for fifteen minutes along a path across the continental United States.” Then in August 1987, the Harmonic Convergence began, with its theme song, “We are the World.”

These efforts were based upon a magical teaching called the “100th Monkey,” a theory based on a man’s observance of monkeys in Japan. One monkey began to rinse his sweet potato in water before eating it. When the other monkeys saw that, they imitated him and washed their sweet potatoes before eating them too. By the time the 100th monkey was doing the practice, it had reached critical mass and now all the monkeys around the world were doing the same ritual.

So New Age movers and shakers in the 1980s were trying that same experiment, although their critical mass of humanity thinking peace at the same time to make the rest of humanity peace-loving was going to take a much larger number than the monkeys. Obviously that was a big fail. Their efforts at creating a spiritual evolutionary leap landed in the lap of the Antichrist. A paradigm shift indeed happened, but it did not lead to peace, but to apostasy and social chaos.

The King and Queen of the Parliament, the man and woman whose names were on the lips of many participants of all the beliefs represented, were Pope Francis and Oprah Winfrey. Could one of them be the prophesied forerunner?

Although the forerunner Beast prophesied in the Bible is spoken of as a “he,” could this Beast actually possess a female? After all, it is a woman who rides the Beast. Oprah is calling for a feminine fierceness; for the feminine spirit to rise up and be heard.

During the Shirley MacLaine’s era, a woman named JZ Knight gained notoriety channeling a spirit called “Ramtha.” Her voice would be transformed into a deep male sounding snarl as the evil spirit spoke through her. So there is precedence.

One thing is for sure, Francis and Oprah are doing the work of the spirit of antichrist by convoluting the teaching of the Word of God, the Bible. Their message for change is an attack on Truth. Time will tell if Oprah is the one to set the stage or if Francis will be chosen as point man to herald the global leader, the man of sin, and cause all to follow after the Antichrist.

Jackie Alnor is a veteran Christian watchman, researcher, and journalist. She is the director of the Rapture Ready Radio network on BlogTalk Radio where she hosts a weekly show called The Scattered Sheep Report. She is the author of the book The Fleecing of Christianity that tracks the influence of the spirit of antichrist in the church via televangelism. Her years of taping Christian television and documenting deception on religious TV culminated in her 1999 video "The Great Apostasy: The Lost Sign.”

She co-founded the Christian Sentinel magazine that was in print in the 1990s and published online in the 2000s. Archives of some of her articles can be found on her "Apostasy Alert" website []. Her blog is named after the title of her Blogtalk radio program, The Scattered Sheep Report, which she produces weekly on the Rapture Ready Radio network. [

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Does the NAR Have a New Prophet?

NAR false prophets, David Herzog and Chuck Pierce, are two of the featured speakers in the upcoming conference called “The Awakening.” It will be held in mid-November in Phoenix, Arizona. The third man on the ticket might surprise Christians who attend popular Bible prophecy conferences hosted by teachers who stick to what the Bible teaches concerning end times. Paul McGuire, at first glance, seems out of his league to share the platform with men who major on gold dust and healing angels and speak from their own visions and imaginations while ignoring Scripture. But upon further investigation it becomes clear that he fits right in with the evil workers of the “New Apostolic Reformation.”*

The Elijah List (an umbrella group for todays false apostles, prophets and signs and wonders seekers) and the event’s promoters say the first fruits of the coming Great Awakening was experienced at their last event, and that “many prophets have prophesied that Arizona would be a starting place that launches the next move of God.” The implication from the title is that you will miss out on this advertised action of God if you don’t pay the price of admission.

The hook in the ad is power and miracles, as if anyone can promise in advance what God is going to do. They hype supposed manifestations of God’s glory as if it were the next greatest product on the market.

“Join us for this Power-packed weekend for our Clear Prophetic Direction, GLORY, HEALINGS/MIRACLES, conference as the Heavens open up and the Spirit comes down with clear prophetic direction and revelation. Learn how to access and flow with God during the greatest harvest, and greatest shakings, and not be caught by surprise as the Glory of God moves with healing, miracles, signs and wonders following! God promises to visit in historic ways as you experience your season of visitation and get empowered to move forward in these most important, sobering and exciting times.” [Emphasis in original.]

No solid Bible teacher in his right mind would come anywhere near such religious hype and con artistry. Sadly, this is not the first such event Paul McGuire has been involved in. As recently as September 2015, he joined with Herzog in a similar conference in Phoenix with the provocative title, “New Beginnings Glory Festival.” Another NAR false teacher, Robert Stearns, joined the lineup for a promised time of miracles as their promotion says:
  • Experience the Glory of God and impartation like never before
  •   Tap into an open Heaven window as you show up to the feast
  •   Receive healing and miracles, prophetic direction, and "reset" your life”
In January 2010, out of my concern for McGuire, I wrote him regarding his involvement with false prophetess Wendy Alec of GodTV. I emailed him and said, “Do you have a standard response to people when they ask you what your thinking is on joining together with Wendy & Rory Alec on GodTV considering they are a blight on the Body of Christ and are the number #1 promoters of the false prophet movement - including Todd Bentley? I'm referring to the prophecy special they've produced starring you and Chuck Missler, Gary Kah, Larry Bates and others…Going on their program without bringing correction gives the appearance to viewers that you are all in this together. Wendy Alec is a false prophet as is documented here:  Thank you for taking the time to read this and respond. I mean no disrespect - I'm very concerned for you and your ministry.”
I don't usually give "standard" responses unless it is many people asking the exact same question,” he responded in part.  “As you know, Missler, LaHaye, HItchcock, Kah, Bates and a number of prophecy teachers go on the show… My appearance on any show secular or Christian is to represent my views or beliefs.  For example, Chuck Smith recently appeared on Praise the Lord on TBN.  It was to give his message.  Going on a secular of Christian network does not imply a blanket endorsement.”

Compromising Church Leaders

This is where I’ve had to beat this drum for decades now** – The Bible has one set of requirements when dealing with those outside the professing church, and another with those claiming to be Christians. The Apostle Paul is very clear on this:

I wrote you in my letter not to associate with immoral people; I did not at all mean with the immoral people of this world, or with the covetous and swindlers, or with idolaters, for then you would have to go out of the world. But actually, I wrote to you not to associate with any so-called brother if he is an immoral person, or covetous, or an idolater, or a reviler, or a drunkard, or a swindler—not even to eat with such a one. For what have I to do with judging outsiders? Do you not judge those who are within the church? But those who are outside, God judges. REMOVE THE WICKED MAN FROM AMONG YOURSELVES.” – 1 Cor. 5:9-13

I’ve observed church leaders who compromise for the sake of selling books or getting notice for their ministries by donors watching “Christian” television, that when they begin to overlook their hosts’ fleecing the flock of God, God gives them over to it and then they begin spouting the same things.

There are many, many examples of this, but one very disappointing case is that of David Jeremiah, who began showing up on TBN’s Praise the Lord program after buying airtime from them for his show. Though many of us lovingly warned him, he turned a deaf ear to us. Years later, he appears on their fundraising program, Praise-a-Thon, spouting the same give-to-get flock fleecing scams his newfound friends have used for decades to rip off the widows’ mites.

A common trait of today’s false prophets, as exemplified by the NAR and the Elijah List, is the pursuit of signs and wonders, and the sensationalistic guarantee of God’s power and glory showing up in their meetings. Another common denominator is the lack of a clear taught Gospel of Repentance unto Salvation. The draw they use for people to come down to the platform is not for prayers, but for getting an impartation of some sort of glory.

If it Quacks Like a Duck

From watching the ministry of Paul McGuire, it is evident that his message has taken on the glory-seeking tone, although he does seem to adapt his words to the venue. He even began introducing himself as a prophet in some media appearances.

A quick comparison of McGuire’s behavior in front of the camera on the Sid Roth show, “It’s Supernatural,” to Sid’s regulars, Herzog, Stearns, and NAR heir Chuck Pierce, reveals a similar emphasis on power grabs and the impersonal Force they seek after.

“I'm with my guest Paul McGuire,” said host Sid Roth on the June 10, 2013 episode of It’s Supernatural (available on YouTube). “You might have seen him on Fox News, O'Reilly, History Channel on one of the top viewing shows. But as a young man, he had quite a background. You were raised to hate Christians. You thought the answer was in science and the new age. So you go out to the University of Missouri (McGuire nods in agreement) where you're really debating Christians and you're going to put them in their place. Guess what his major was? You'll never guess. I shouldn't have said guess. His major was altered states of consciousness. That's a major? (McGuire gives a confirming nod.) And he's in class one day, and he hears a voice. What does the voice say to you?” "Surrender to the dark forces within," he responds.

There are four campuses of the University of Missouri and this reporter called all four, receiving the same response, there is not now and never has been a major called altered states of consciousness and there is no student past or present in the entire system by the name Paul McGuire. The Registrar’s offices could not even find a class by that name, let alone a major.

At the end of the program, as it is customary for Sid Roth’s guest to make an appeal to the viewers, McGuire stepped up to the plate.

“That supernatural leading of the Holy Spirit, before today's program is over,” McGuire addressed the viewers, “there is going to be a very strong move of the supernatural force. And if people will be open to it, and they don't have to be religious to be open to it, by the time today's program is over they are going to experience firsthand perhaps one of the most powerful experiences supernaturally that they ever had in their lives.”

This power for anyone who wants it would then come right through the airwaves from Sid Roth’s studio. Haven’t you all seen that before from the likes of con-men like Benny Hinn, Robert Tilton and Peter Popoff?

McGuire continued, “The Lord spoke to me, and He said that in the last days as these problems accelerate, that God was going to pour out this supernatural power in an unprecedented force and manner. And as I'm joining you now, I just want to share with you very briefly that, no matter what situation you're facing, whether you're religious or not, that right now as you're watching this TV program, the supernatural power of God is flowing through this studio into your bedroom or living room, or wherever you are, and you can feel it. It's like a tangible force. It's like electricity is filling your room and you can sense the overwhelming power of God. I just want to encourage you, that's going to give you the power you need to live triumphantly in the days to come. But no matter what you're facing, the Lord simply wants you to just receive His force as He extends it to you now. So whatever you're facing, whatever challenge or problem you have, at this moment the Lord delights in proving His reality, not with talk, but with power.”

“And we're not talking about words or hypnosis,” McGuire assures the audience. “We're talking about the power of God moving through the airwaves through this studio, and it's flooding your bedroom and your office. And all you have to do is respond to it and God is going to do something absolutely incredible for you.”

So they only need to respond to an “it” – some sort of power. Not one word of the Gospel that Jesus Christ died for their sins and gives the Holy Spirit to us to make us witnesses of Christ as His ambassadors to this fallen world.

That does not sound like the same Paul McGuire I’ve seen at prophecy conferences alongside David Hocking and Jack Hibbs.

This quest for power was also the bait for McGuire’s speaking partner, Robert Stearns, whose testimony of such power was sent out in an Elijah List mailing, the same ‘ministry’ that advertises the glory conferences these men engage in. In the Sept 12, 2013 letter to the E-list, Stearns of Eagle’s Wings, had this to say:

“I was caught up in the Spirit, and I was brought to a place with enormous Ancient Gates. The gates were covered over by debris and overrun by neglect. The gates were enormous and were guarding access to a place of great authority and power. The question rose in my heart, What can it be that these Gates guard and release? As I stood before the Gates, the wind of God began to blow upon them. Stronger and with increasing force, the breath of God began to blow away the debris that was covering the Gates. As the Wind increased with greater force, I saw the name of the Gates that were written at the top of them. IMAGINATION was the name of these Ancient Gates…Finally, the full word, IMAGINATION was pulsing with a living light.” [Emphasis in original.]

On Jun 6, 2014, Elijah List also published a so-called prophecy by Chuck Pierce, a co-speaker with McGuire coming up this month. They’re all hearing audible voices. Again more power and force being prophesied – no scripture:

"Fiery trials will make One New Man for the times ahead and the new things I will send you into. You will carry a new message of greater works into the nations. This takes the One New Man! You will come into agreements that generations before could not form. This is the time of the greater works. At creation My Spirit hovered, and when I spoke, all of the earth shifted. At Pentecost My Spirit hovered, and when I released My voice, the whole earth shifted. I am hovering again, and the earth will shift at the sound of My voice. There is a whirlwind coming to places in the earth. In this whirlwind is fire! …"I am beginning to give revelation over ley lines and power lines over nations and continents. I am releasing angels to war along with you and bring revelation over power sources and strong men. You will release decrees, and you will see giants coming down and My glory rising. The world is Mine, and today I am hovering and holding the earth and its nations in My hands. The Father has given them to Me and I am giving them to you as your inheritance. Call out and come into One New Man for the earth is Mine. My dancing hand is coming over the seven continents. My breath is upon the waters. I am gathering together what will pull the end time portion into place. Watch My breath on the waters. “ [Emphasis in original.]

This might be event too crazy for Paul McGuire to accept – yet he does not mind joining together with such a sorcerer or point out this false prophet’s lies – saying “God said,” when God has not spoken to any of them.

Strange Bedfellows

David Herzog – the kingpin of the conferences who brings all these like-minded men together in Arizona might be the craziest of the bunch. He was one of the false prophets who was up front at the time C. Peter Wagner and his host of false prophets were commissioning Todd Bentley into what they said would be the Great Awakening and that Bentley was the first of the New Breed, a god-man on earth prophesied decades ago by the late William Branham. Wendy Alec of GodTV was there. She prophesied that Jesus was going to show up in Todd’s meetings physically. Todd made a fool of the entire bunch of NAR apostles and prophets when it was revealed a couple of weeks later that Todd was cheating on his wife with a ministry associate he ended up marrying after abandoning his family. All this was going on in secret as Herzog and the rest of them were prophesying God’s approval of this man. Bentley claimed to have the assistance of a female angel, named Emma, that supposedly worked with Branham when he was alive. 

Herzog also claims to be a source of spirit impartation to others for power and holy fire. In a May 8, 2008 letter to his E-list he promoted the signs and wonders going on in the so-called Lakeland Revival starring Todd Bentley. He wrote in his “The Glory Zone News Alert,” that the Lakeland outpouring would be coming to his favorite portal, Sedona, Arizona.

“The incredible level of the Glory and Presence of God along with amazing miracles, healings, signs and wonders are hitting Lakeland, Florida but also are about to explode in Sedona during Pentecost. Most the speakers have all been to Lakeland, Florida and are full and ready to release it (including Jerame Nelson who works for, travels with and preaches with Todd Bentley and has been in the revival in Lakeland from day one.)… As we come together syncing heaven with earth something BIG is going to happen. There will be more impartation released to carry the fire of this revival in this conference than any other we have had so far… What we sense is that since the Lakeland outpouring began the plates have shifted in the Spirit across America.”

Unheeded Warnings

In February, 2009, the then Editor of Charisma magazine pointed out the false teachings and claims making the rounds back then. In his commentary, Strange Fire in the House of the Lord, he warned:

During the Lakeland Revival last year in Florida, a man from Germany took the stage and claimed that an angel walked into a restaurant while he was eating a hamburger, took his intestines out and replaced them with a gold substance. Others have testified that angels took them to heaven and operated on them. And many are claiming that angels are dropping feathers, gold dust and precious gems on worshippers…If we promote a false miracle or a false angel in the Lord's house, we are participating in strange fire. I know of a case where a man was caught planting fake jewels on the floor of a church. He told his friends he was "seeding the room" to lift the people's faith. I know of others who have been caught putting gold glitter on themselves in a restroom and then running back in a church service, only to claim that God was blessing them with this special favor. Where is the fear of God when Christians would actually fabricate a miracle? This is a time for all true believers with backbones to draw clear lines between what is godly worship and what is pagan practice. We want the miracles of God, but we also want the fear and reverence of God. We cannot allow this strange fire to spread unchecked.”

The late Dave Hunt, in his classic book, The Seduction of Christianity, warned about these things creeping into the church back in 1985. Unfortunately, most of the professing church suppressed the warning, which truly was from the mercy of God.

“During the prophesied apostasy, even church leaders will be led astray, and those who follow their teachings will suffer the same tragedy. We must be certain that we are following the Lord and not men… To avoid the seduction that is at the heart of apostasy, we must be able to distinguish the voice of Christ through His Word from the confusing mixture of truth and error that is spoken in His name.” (pp. 8-9)

Today, the New Age influences Hunt warned about coming into the church has grown into a monster that can no longer be tamed or contained. It is out of control. The fault lies with the church leaders who looked the other way and would not take a stand – but rather compromised with the monster and joined alongside it, rather than exposing its wickedness. There are many such Bible teachers/speakers who will have the blood on their hands of the many whose faith has been shipwrecked by these wicked workers who have been allowed to spread their leaven.

For further information, listen to this reporter’s analysis –

            *The New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) is an umbrella group formed by C. Peter Wagner consisting of his associates who claim to be prophets and apostles, Wagner himself being the chief apostle. They have an annual gathering at the end of every year to get a consensus of what the Lord is saying to the people for the coming year. None of their proclamations are specific enough to test – always what God is doing behind the scenes that only they who have access to the third heaven can know. They are modern-day Gnostics.

            **See “All That Glitters is Not God’s Glory” by Jackie Alnor for further information -